Sunday, June 30, 2013

Buddhist extremist attack in Thandwe

In Arakan State, Myanmar(Burma) there have been violent acts led by Burmese Buddhist extremists at the end of June, 2013, and as the result of these chaos , many Muslim houses, Muslim-owned shops have been destroyed and the authorities still fail to protect the people in the affected areas of Thandwe, Arakan State, Myanmar.

The Buddhist extremist terrorist grup's movements

The Buddhist extremist terrorist are all around the country in Burma. The central government is supporting all the Buddhist terrorist groups. The government is playing political game by killing Muslims. The Buddhist extremist are freely destroying and killing many Muslim's mosques, homes and shops. And they are never arrested by police or any security forces. They claim that the Burma is the Buddhist land, so everyone in Burma except Buddhist are just guest!.....
Mosques are burnt.... The police and security forces are watching it. Coz, The government set them free...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Buddhist Extremist

The Buddhist extremist terrorist are destroying many Muslim's mosques, homes, shops and schools with fire. They killed the minority Muslims including children, women and students. The Burmese government did not take any action on these Buddhist terrorist.
 The Buddhist extremist killed Muslims students (Hafitzol Koran).
 They burnt Muslim's homes.
 They destroy and rob Muslims shops and homes.

Friday, June 14, 2013

969 Movement in Burma (Myanmar)

Here are the major activist of 969 extremist and their phone numbers:

(((((Contacts of 969 Terrorists)))))
Leak From A Former 969
 09421146534 (M.N.M.C Page Admin)(Khat Htan)
 (Pyae Phyo Aung)09444019751
 09-၅၁၂၀၅၈၆(Ko Kyi Win)095120586
၀၉၄၇၁၀၃၉၅၉(Ko Maung Maung)0947103959
969Thi Ha (Meikthila) 092032726
969Aung Zaw Phyo (Kyeak Hto) National Electronic
969Swan Htet Soe (Htarwei) ၅၁၁၃၀၀၆(095113006)
969Chan Zaw Bo 09 8570525
969(ILBC)  (Ko Thein Win)
969  09-၄၂၀၀၈၅၇၄၅(09420085745)
(Monk From Kyite Htoe Township, Namely Satephuu Taung Sayardaw)
(Monks From Kyauk Pa Daung Township- Namely U Pinyar Nanda)

969 Extremist

Photo Records of 969 Terrorist:

Chief Leader

This is 969 Buddhist Terrorist group's chief Leader: Wira Thu.